Tag Archives: ‘lewisburg wv wedding photographer”

Valley View Farm Wedding, Averil & Henry, Lewisburg, WV | WV Wedding Photographer

Averil Liebendorfer and Henry Blue Jr.’s wedding at the gorgeous Valley View Farm in Lewisburg, West Virginia. Valley View is a couple miles from Lewisburg on Rt. 60 with a pond, several farmhouses, a few small barns and its iconic red barn. The owners are so gracious and open to anything you would like to...

Lewisburg Engagement, Ryan & Linda, Lewisburg, WV. Lewisburg WV Wedding Photographer

Linda Maranto recently came to Lewisburg from Utah after being accepted into the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM) in Greenbrier County. The shcool accepts only 400 students a year. Her fiance, Ryan Logan, packed up his mountain bike and moved with her. They are getting married in June back in Utah, but wanted...

Lewisburg Wedding, Chelsea & Jordan, Lewisburg WV Wedding Photographer. WV Wedding Photographer

I met Chelsea and Jordan on their wedding day. The two came from south Florida to get married at Cadle Farms in Grassy Meadow, WV, just outside of Lewisburg. I instantly felt like I have known these two for years. Their calm and inviting demeanor made getting started shooting without meeting them prior an ease....

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304.553.3785 | chrisphoto304@gmail.com